We are the HACEK bacteria.
We are a special group of Gram Negative rods.
The word "HACEK" is an acronym of our names.
We are Haemophilus aphrophilus (and Haemophilus paraphrophilus), Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, Cardiobacterium hominis, Eikenella corrodens and Kingella kingae.
We live in the mouth, throat and urogenital tract, but most of the time we don't cause many diseases.
When we do cause diseases, we love to cause endocarditis in people's hearts.
Endocarditis is inflammation of your heart valves.
Oprhaned microbes? Now, I've heard it all. Okay who's got the save the microbes Christmas fund set up? Where do I send the donations? I have a child who likes germs, studies germs, gets grant money to do stuff with germs. I'll tell him about your blog. Maybe you could share a bacillus or something with each other sometime. Eeeesh!
I only wish I had come across this blog a few weeks ago when I was in the midst of my bacteriology course! In one lecture we were shown this classified advert:
I'm sure if unis had this kind of presentation, the subject would indeed be very popular! Lots of fun!!
Interesting. Do you make the illustrations yourself?
Biology and med teachers could definitely learn some teaching techniques from this blog!
I've just discovered this site and think it's great :)
I'm a Family Doctor in Spain and your drawings are great to remember a lot of Bacteriae already forgotten (in everyday practice we use antibiotics empirically: no time for a germ culture).
I am your #1 fan,
always. :)
Great blog and pictures. If you don't mind me asking, what kind of camera and setting did you use to get those awesome shots?
Another great blog that is a absolute must read - Bestbraindrain.com
you're blog is really cool =D, hehe, have a nice day =)
wow, this is a prety dudey blog... i'm new at this can you subscribe to it?
>>I've just discovered this site and >>think it's great :)
Agree :-)
Thanks to your blog I've discovered microbes can send you into sugar-shock - at least those you feature because are SO SWEET! =]
Doesn't gram negative stain purple? I loved my microbiology class. My professor was hilarious!
This blog is great. I will be sending people this way for sure.
Cool! I once made a comic book about talking amoebas for my younger cousin...this site is incredibly creative and funny! Way to make us laugh while learning. Feel free to drop by my blog anytime. :)
You are incredible. I love this blog! I work in a Hospital Clinical Laboratory, and I'm fresh out of college... so I'm kinda into this stuff. It's really funny and interesting with the artwork! Do you draw the characters?
Consider yourself linked!
How is HACEK pronounced?
Cute Blog... Great content. I am saving it under my favorites until next semester when I have bacteriology!!
It's like a bacterial cheerleading squad.
These are so cute! We bought some stuffed germs for my son.
This site is fantastic! Do you mind if I put a link to this site on a password-protected website? I would love to post this on my Microbiology course homepage.
Yes, feel free to post it on your websites
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Nice hacek bacteria post! Thanks for intesting info!
76. HACEK group includes all except:
a. Hemophilus aprophillus
b. Acinetobacter baumanni
c. Eikenella corrodens
d. Cardiobacterium hominis
Tnx ur blog helped me ans the qn !
great site!!!!!!!! I was just studing this and your drawings help me a lot!
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