You can call me B. pertussis.
I'm a Gram Negative bacteria.
I am spread to people by respiratory droplets.
I cause whooping cough, which can be highly fatal in infants.
How do I do this?
I get into the throat and make toxins.
First I give you a cough, then your throat swells up.
If it swells up enough, it can block your airway, giving your breathing a "whooping" sound.
Would you happen to be a student/professional of microbiology?
Too bad, I think,
Excelente tu blog! Soy de Argentina y sinceramente me parecio muy bueno.
Yo hace poco publiqué mi blog relacionado con Cerveza Artesanal y algo tiene que ver con tus amigos los microbios, aunque estos me jugaron una mala pasada la ultima vez!
Bueno felicitaciones de vuelta.
Ah, BP microbe, you meanie. Now I know who to blame for my whooping cough.
brilliant idea.... the weird flatlander
Awesome idea for a blog. Superb effort!
this is so cute this wee one
I live in the Detroit metro area. Michigan has serious economic issues and only when the people pull together can the problems be overcome. It’s going to take everyone not just democrat or republican. A great place to find out about local Detroit news is GROW DETROIT
I had Whooping cogh once when i Was Realllllllllllllllly young.....
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Bilişim seo Rize Güzel Sözler youtube Hikaye Gelinlik Car Hikaye Toplist İzlesene Oyun Hit rize resimleri Rize Çay
Don't you get it. It's all about the big musicians. Internet radio gives the smaller bands a chance to possibly make it. The RIAA can't have that, this is the United States of America, where the rich man gets richer and the poor man stays poor.
Don't you get it. It's all about the big musicians. Internet radio gives the smaller bands a chance to possibly make it.
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As the chart below shows,
I've never seen so many germs in one place other than a petri dish. Do you do your own illustrations?
so many germs in one place other than a petri dish. Do you do your own illustrations?
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