My name is N. asteroides
I'm a Gram Positive rod.
I am aerobic (breathe oxygen) and can't make spores.
I'm part of a special group called actinomycetes.
We get the name because we look a lot like fungi.
We even grown little filamentous branches.
I grow slowly on a gram stain, where I look speckled.
I love to get into your skin through cuts, especially from thorns and plants.
I like causing infections in people with weak immune systems.
I cause Nocardiosis when I get into lungs.
I spread through your blood to get into your brain.
What happened? Are you ok? I missed my weekly dose of bugs.
Yea sorry for the black out of updates. Between getting sick at the beginning of last month and the starting of my next clinical year at uni both at the same time, thing just caught up with me. But now I'm much better and eager to keep the microbes coming. Thanks for the messege.
Hooray, you are back!!
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