My name is Kaposi's Sarcoma Herpesvirus, or HHV-8.
I'm part of the Herpesviridae family.
When I appear, people usually get a type of skin cancer called Karposi's sarcoma.
It gives you red-brown spots all over.
I'm rarely seen in people with good immune systems.
I'm very common in people with HIV or AIDS.
This is kind of the best blog ever. Microbes + neat cartoons = sublime
Your blog is awesome!
Congrats from South America!
)so funny blog)
Thank goodness Karposi 's nowhere near me.Thank you for informing me about all the microbes i DON 'T have.
I love how the pictures are all sunshine and rainbows but the descriptions of them make my skin crawl. :)
I stumbled upon your blog looking up S.sangius Thanks for all the info!
To give the microbes their mini-profiles... This is interesting!
hey, guess wanna tell u that yr blog is very interesting cute! :P
Another long holiday, Ms Lurie? This post is a month old!
Such an easy life for some.;)
This is one amazing and amusing blog. If you keep it up you shall earn an honorary doctorate in blogging! Next step is to compile it all into a book and publish it through lulu.com. Then you can advertise your book on your blog and become a multi-millionaire!
Great stuff! Go to the head of the class and take a bow!
I love it!!! I will adopt this one since I actually am doing my PhD on it....woohooo :-)
p.s I don't know if you know but herpesvirus don't have legs :-p
hi friend,
your site is great.
please check the sites:
there is a surprise on it
what do you think?
I see you've taken some time off. Hope its nothing contagious. Great comics. I'm using them to teach co-workers in a clean room business about our microbe cohabitants. Hope you get a chance to start back into bacteria. I'd love to see some environmental isolates like Chloroflexus and Desulfibrio and other wetland anaerobes. (I'm a wetlands nut as well as a bacterium nut.)
I miss your posts!
i love your site!
can you make an eosinophil up for adoptions? it's actually a type of white blood cell but i would love to adopt one.
this pretty fucked up. and strangely addictive.
hi emma where are you thaere are lots more microbes to talk about
don't stop!!!! more!
mbJkEm Please write anything else!
XqxCkc actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Thank you for putting fun into microbes! Bio is a bit scary for a college/uni intro bio student like me, and your blog made me smile at a subject I usually scowl at.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
hey!update more often yea?im dying to learn more! :D
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
Wonderful blog.
actually, that's brilliant. Thank you. I'm going to pass that on to a couple of people.
8izrhC Hello all!
Hey, Emma!
No, please, come back! You couldn't to stop with this blog...your job (drawings and profiles are great!!)
this blog is cool!
I love you blog. What cute graphics. :)
Your blog is really extraordinary. But why there is no new entry anymore?
good stuff! why the long break? you're not studying too much are you?
hey, I really enjoy your work. Tell me though, are you studying micro in school, or just very interested? Either way, i'm impressed.
Anymore new post? Hmm
Please update. =) I like your blog! I'm a Micro student but I never really looked my studies as much as you are. Can I link you in my blog?
thanks alot for this great blog
it is very intersting
I love this blog, it's genius!! Would it be too, too much to ask for picture of lymphatic filariasis/elephantitis? :-) :-) Pleeeease???
i just wanted to say i love your blog! i sent it out to my medical school classmates as a review before our microbiology exam. :)
Fun yet serious blog. Microbiology rocks, or maybe geology rocks, whatever. ; )
However did you get this great idea?
Something tells me this blog will end up on next month's link love because this is great. It's cute learning about diseases <3
I love it. Will you continue doing any more? I doubt it since you haven´post in a while
I hope you are well.
Take care, hope to see updates soon...
Thanks for study help. Makes it a lot easier on the brain.
Great. I love this site. It deserves to get 1 Frikypunto (1 Geekpoint).
You'll be able to see it on the internet soon.
(When you enter the web, click on the right column where it is written "AQUÍ")
Sweet blog!
Thought you might want to put a contact me widget on your blog. So that I could contact you!
Contact Me Widget
thanks very nice site
Good Blog
I second what Carol-Ann said. You have a fantastic blog and one day you could compile a collection of your microbes and turn it into a book. I'm sure it will be a big hit.
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Genial te leemos desde todos los rincones y nos encantaaaaaaa :D
Gracias por hacer agradable la micro :D
Un besito
i gave this website to my microbiology professor
she's a fan, just like a am!
yeah, it's ashame you've stopped publishing. I just featured it on my blog cuz I liked it so much!
Its presentation is differ from other posts..
It is funny...
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