Monday, October 30, 2006

Helicobacter pylori

Hello there.
You can call me H. pylori.
I am a helical Gram Negative rod.
I live in the mucous layer of the stomach.

I am famous for causing duodenal and gastric ulcers by making the stomach secrete lots of acid.
I am also a risk factor to some gastric cancers.

More than half the people in the world have me.
In 2005 two scientists from Perth, Western Australia - Robin Warren and Barry Marshall - were given a Nobel prize for their work with me.
Marshall even drank a dish full of me to give himself stomach ulcers and prove their theories.
Before that, everyone thought stomach ulcers were caused by stress!


  1. Anonymous3:05 AM

    As my cat can attest, helicobacter also causes vomiting in felines.

    And it's hard to get rid of if your cat is stubborn about taking medicine.

  2. this a really intertaning way to see all the microbe. Funny, short, right to the point, but still onformative. congrats!

  3. Oh my god, I still thought they were caused by stress, till I saw your blog. Great blog by the way. I'd never read anything about bacteria otherwise. I'm learning so much!!

  4. Anonymous4:16 AM

    The real scandal about H. pylori is that evidence existed for decades that it might have a bacterial or viral origin. But the idea went against conventional medical wisdom so the British doctor who put the idea forward was quietly ostracised. He had to go to Australia to find a society (and medical establishment) open enough to let him pursue his research.

  5. Anonymous9:17 AM

    The reason no one trusted him, was because he was a freak. No one trusts someone who drinks glasses full of infection causing bacteria. As a scientists I don't see even why he needed to do this. WEIRD

  6. I think the scientific names of the microbes should be written the right way. It is the first thing to start considering this a reliable blog. The scientific names have to be written in italics or underlined and the letter of the first word (which is the genus) must be in caps while the rest of the letters must be in lower case including the specific epithet (which is the secon word).

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Hi there. i was searchn' for info about stomach ulcer. and wind threw me here.. really nice thing.. cong. and thanx.

  9. Thanks for this great article

  10. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Thanks Best Regards

  11. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Thanks so much for this! This is exactly what I was looking for

  12. good article abput pylote
