Heyhey My name is Astrovirus. Astroviridae is my family.
I have star-like points that gave me my astronomical name. I move around through fecal-oral transmission. I love kids, daycare workers and soldiers. I also like the elderly and people with poor immune systems. I cause gastroenteritis with diarrhoea, pain and vomiting. I am milder than my friends Norovirus and Rotavirus. I won't dehydrate you as much.
Hey, I'm Adenovirus. I'm from the Adenoviridae family. I have many special talents.
In the lungs I cause Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. I hang with infants and soldiers. In the eyes I give you a contagious conjunctivitis. You can also get 'swimming pool conjunctivitis' from me. I can cause gastroenteritis, especially in kids. They have fever, vomiting and diarrhoea.
I also like the urinary tract. I can cause acute haemorrhagic cystitis in boys. I may play a role in coeliac disease and intersusseption. Plus I am sometimes seen in myocarditis.
Hi My name is Rotavirus I'm from the Reoviridae family. I am the most common cause of gastroenteritis in kids. I love children under 4 four year old. I am biggest in the colder seasons.
I cause diarrhoea. I also give the kids fever, nausea and vomiting. I'm very common, but don't let that fool you. My diarrhoea can be severe. I can kill if I'm not looked after.
Hi there. My name is Norovirus I'm a caliciviridea family virus. I used to be called Norfolk virus, after visiting the city of Norfolk.
I cause gastroenteritis. I make people nauseous and sick.
I am passed feaco-orally. I am also carried in food, especially seafood like oysters. I am busiest during the winter. I love places like schools, nursing homes and hospitals.
Hi, I'm Swine. Or pig flu. Or H1N1 Flu. I'm an H1N1 Type A Influenza virus. I was first found in humans in Mexico I started in April. I am in almost every country now. I can pass between people. I am in the news all the time now. I'm very famous.
Hi, I'm Bird or Avian flu, But I'm not the only bird flu! People called me that when they found me in people.
I was first noticed in 2003, around Thailand. Many birds were killed to try to stop my spread. So far, I have been found in about 400 people. I killed over 200 of them.
I don't usually move from person to person. Some people think I have started to.
I used to be in the news a lot. People don't about me as much anymore.
Hi, I'm Hong Kong flu. I started out as my 1957 friend. In 1968 I went through antigen shift, I then became H3N2 and spread. I moved from China to Hong Kong. I lasted for 2 years. I was milder than my earlier flu friend. Not as many people died. I also came from mixing of human and bird strains.